“I want my logo and brand to feel welcoming, not a scary place where women are worried about what’s ahead!” 


Beyond Fitness (formerly The Well Woman Coach) knew that their branding was weak but they weren’t sure where to start in order to ensure that their services weren’t being under appreciated. 

After our initial chat we decided that an entire overhaul was required - name, logo, identity, tone of voice, key messaging talking points - everything! With one exception: the founder Shelly wanted to maintain the colour. Since the magenta colour was as strong, vibrant and energetic as the woman behind the business, I agreed that it should definitely be maintained. 


  • Concept Development 

  • Primary Logo Design 

  • Secondary Logo Designs 

  • Logo Symbol 

  • Logo Word Mark 

  • Brand Style Guide 

  • Website (Squarespace) 

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Logo for fitness studio, brands and logos, Freelance graphic designer ireland, graphic designer for logo, branding toolkit, graphic design Ireland, logo designer Wexford, Ireland, branding inspiration
Logo for fitness studio, brands and logos, Freelance graphic designer ireland, graphic designer for logo, branding toolkit, graphic design Ireland, logo designer Wexford, Ireland, website design, squarespace website inspiration
Logo for fitness studio, brands and logos, Freelance graphic designer ireland, graphic designer for logo, branding toolkit, graphic design Ireland, logo designer Wexford, Ireland, apparel inspiration
Logo for fitness studio, brands and logos, Freelance graphic designer ireland, graphic designer for logo, branding toolkit, graphic design Ireland, logo designer Wexford, Ireland, colour palette for fitness business
Logo for fitness studio, brands and logos, Freelance graphic designer ireland, graphic designer for logo, branding toolkit, graphic design Ireland, logo designer Wexford, Ireland, typograpohy pairing for fitness business
Logo for fitness studio, brands and logos, Freelance graphic designer ireland, graphic designer for logo, branding toolkit, graphic design Ireland, logo designer Wexford, Ireland, branding ideas inspiration


From the very initial brainstorming session together, Shelly and I felt the language and direction of the business should be more focussed on the client and their needs and goals, as opposed to Shelly’s background and experience. Without undermining Shelly’s experience both personal and professional. 

At a glance anyone can tell how passionate Shelly is so it felt like the right time to change the conversations to the set backs, fears and goals of her potential and current clients. 

‘Beyond’ was chosen to reflect that the business offers more than exercise, but also nutrition, support and a caring community. 

The logo symbol bird symbolises a new beginning filled with hope, and freedom. Some bird species can also symbolise traits such as strength, and courage. The origami style (utilising triangles) also reflects the 3 core structures within the business and it’s messaging (‘exercise, mindset, nutrition’ and ‘restore, rebuild, reignite’). Origami strengthens your brain and helps with stress relief, similar to the benefits of exercise and in particular pilates and getting fresh air all within the business brand values. And finally, the circle represents core, community and security.  

The word mark celebrates pacing yourself and working to your own progress. The ‘be’ is also separated to allow the brand to grow with the business and as a marketing tool for campaigns and promotions e.g. be_yourself, be_strong etc. 


“I absolutely LOVE it!!! I can’t stop looking at them all day… 

I love how they all come together so beautifully but also sit so well on their own! Ah, the absolute excitement!” 

When your branding reflects your business messaging then it will resonate with your target audience.