3 signs that your business is ready for a rebrand/new logo

1) You designed and created the logo yourself 

Not every business needs a logo. If you are the face of your brand, never ever produce business cards, letters, training material, promotional material, presentations etc, then you probably don’t need to invest in a logo design. 

However, if you’re a service or product provider then you will need a logo (and identity) that represents who you are appropriately. Chances are your DIY logo is preventing you from getting in front of the right audience because you got distracted by the aesthetics and forgot about your message and/or target audience. 

2) Your business isn’t growing 

If you are a product service and find your sales aren’t growing it may be down to your logo and messaging. 

Look at your competitors and ask yourself - am I telling the correct story? Am I saying that I am a luxury item so I can justify my price point? Am I saying that I am a high quality item? 

I am by no means suggesting to copy another business’s logo - but you do need to dress the part if you want to attract the right customers. You can’t rock up in ‘jeans’ if your (successful) competitors are dressed in ‘black tie’. 

3) Your social media / website aren’t consistent 

If you find that you’re struggling to align your vision on all of your promotional platforms then you probably need some direction. 

A (good) logo designer will also provide you with a style guide (these range from a couple of pages to much much more in depth depending on the client’s budget). This guide will detail primary and secondary colour palettes, typography hierarchy etc, and equip you with the tools to ensure that your brand is consistent and people will know exactly who your business is and what you do at a glance. 

This consistency builds trust over time. The rule of seven indicates that it takes an average of seven interactions with a brand before a purchase will take place - so why waste a potential interaction with inconsistent branding.


4 File formats that you need for your logo 


Should I hire a local designer for my new logo?