4 File formats that you need for your logo 

OK, so you’re getting a new logo, you’re super excited, but have no idea what formats you need. RGB? CMY-OK?

Whether you’re getting your logo designed by a studio or a friend gaining portfolio experience, you still require the following formats to ensure that your logo and branding don’t meet some avoidable obstacles in the future. 

  • CMYK (the one for print - if it’s coming off the screen at all use this one) 

  • RGB (the one for your web - all of the canva posts, instagram, web design etc)

  • Full White (the one to use on a colourful or dark background, web and print versions)

  • Full Black (the one to use on a colourful or light background, web and print versions) 

You may not see the benefit for the white or black logo versions but please resist the urge to not include these in your files. I promise that one day you will need them

For example…. 

Imagine you’re a local band and think that you just need your logo in colour. Right now you just need something for your Instagram and maybe some t-shirts to sell at local gigs.

Fast-forward and you’re invited to play at a local festival with lots of different acts and bands. The festival organisers use branding colours that are similar to your logo colours and unfortunately your logo is now lost on the poster and other promotional material. 

But voila! You remember that you have a solid white logo version and now your band logo is visible on the poster. Hooray!  

TIP! Ask your logo designer what formats are included within the project. If they don’t mention all white and all black versions then ask for them to be included. It might cost a little more but it’s sooooo worth it.


6 Logo design formats that you need 


3 signs that your business is ready for a rebrand/new logo